Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Favorite!

I was looking through blogs last night and while on one I heard a song that I just love. So I went looking for the artist. It is a band called Nashville Tribute Band. I can tell that they are going to be one of my favorite to listen to. I listened to as many as I could find on Youtube and on their website. A few had me in tears.

This song really "spoke" to me. It helped me put some of the feelings I have had for Trent over the last 15 years into words. Sappy I know!

I hope you enjoy listening (if you do) to some of these as much as I did. Thank you Sis. Hall for unknowingly turning me on to them. ;)

1 comment:

Ratliffs said...

I listened to this on Sis. Halls blog too! It's really good! (Maybe if you underlined the words you're linking they would come up better??)