Saturday, February 7, 2009

Husband Tag

what's your husbands name? Trent

how long have you been married? 12 years in April

how long did you date? 3 and 1/2 years to the day.

how old is he? Just turned 33

who eats more sweets? Me

who is a better singer? He is by far and away. He doesn't sing much but he has a beautiful deep voice.

who is smarter? He is. He is always amazing me with bits of info on things I didn't know he know anything about.

who does the laundry? I do but he is always willing to help if I need it. And there are times he will surprise me by doing a load or two.

who pays the bills? I pay the bill after he we gets his check from work. :)

who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do

who mows the lawn? No one. We don't have one. But he would if we did.

who cooks dinner? Normally we work on it together.

who drives? I do most of the driving. I like to drive.

who is the first to say they are wrong? He is. Even when it wasn't his fault.

who kissed who first? I kissed him first

who asked who out first? I asked him to the homecoming dance. (our first date)

who wears the pants? We both wears pants. ;) But I am the bossy one. :D

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